5 Seasons
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  • Alzapua - Glossary Term

    Episode 1

    A technique unique to flamenco in which the thumb is used like a guitar pick to alternately strum and play single notes, usually with melodies in the bass.

  • Arpeggio - Glossary Term

    Episode 2

    Arpeggio is one of the central guitar techniques in flamenco

  • Compas - Are you In it? - Glossary Term

    Episode 3

    Stay in compás! What it means to be in or out of compás.

  • Compás - Playing it - Glossary Term

    Episode 4

    Compás as a measure or cycle in flamenco.

  • Compas - What is it? - Glossary Term

    Episode 5

    Playing Compás as opposed to playing falsetas - one of the many meanings of Compás.

  • Golpe - Glossary Term

    Episode 6

    There are a few different kinds of Golpe, which are ways to strike the guitar with your nail or your hand for a percussive effect.

  • Libre - Glossary Term

    Episode 7

    When there is no rhythm in flamenco we call this Libre. Most all of the Libre Cante comes from the Fandango family and includes the Fandango, Taranta, Granaina, Malagueña and more.

  • Llamada for Solea Por Bulerias - Glossary Term

    Episode 8

    Introduction to the Llamada in Solea Por Buleria.

  • Llamada for Tangos - Glossary Term

    Episode 9

    Introduction to the Llamada in Tangos.

  • Llamada for Buleria - Glossary Term

    Episode 10

    Introduction to the Llamada in Bulerias.

  • Llamada for Seguirilla - Glossary Term

    Episode 11

    Introduction to the Llamada in Seguirilla.

  • Llamada - Glossary Term

    Episode 12

    What is a Llamada? This is one of the trickier terms in flamenco, but you'll start to recognize them once you know what to look for.

  • Llamada for Alegrias - Glossary Term

    Episode 13

    Introduction to the Llamada in Alegrias.

  • Llamada for Solea - Glossary Term

    Episode 14

    Introduction to the Llamada in Soleá.

  • Macho - Glossary Term

    Episode 15

    When a piece/song/dance changes key or tempo at the end we call the the Macho. For example, the Tangos are the macho of Tientos and the Rumba is the Macho of Tangos.

  • Palmas - Glossary Term

    Episode 16

    Palmas are the handclaps that serve as the rhythmic backbone of flamenco. You'll want to practice your palmas as much as possible!

  • Palo - Glossary Term

    Episode 17

    Palos are the styles or forms in flamenco, such as Soleá, Buleria or Fandango.

  • A Palo Seco - Glossary Term

    Episode 18

    A way of playing the guitar percussively with the strings muted.

  • Picado - Glossary Term

    Episode 19

    Picado is the flamenco technique for playing scales.

  • Por Fiesta - Glossary Term

    Episode 20

    Either a style of dancing or simply playing Por Medio on the guitar.

  • Rasgueado - Glossary Term

    Episode 21

    Flamenco strumming - any time you use the back of the nails of your fingers (not the thumb) to play a note.

    Flick out each finger as if you are flicking a bug off your knee. We are trying for individual, percussive, and rhythmic strokes with each finger, rather than just unfurling your finger...

  • Subida - Glossary Term

    Episode 22

    Literally a "lift', a subida is a quickening of tempo, which can be gradual or sudden.

  • Tonic - Glossary Term

    Episode 23

    The tonic is the first note of the scale used to build a piece of music. This note, and corresponding chord, gives us a sense of resolution in music. We often refer to this as "home base." For example, in the key of A, the root of the main chord is A, therefore the tonic is A.