I wish to learn how to accompany dancers. My teacher's wife teaches dance classes, and my teacher offered me the opportunity sit in on the classes and even accompany them, although I don't feel ready yet (I need to strengthen my compas). My ambition with flamenco is to learn how to accompany dancers and singers. To this end I want to gear my learning and practicing with this in mind. But I don't want to go in blind. I would like to learn about how it's done, but I can't seem to find much information online about it. Does anyone have any advice? Specifically advice on the things I should learn about before actually playing with dancers -- things like compas, structure, llamadas. The palos they teach at the studio are alegrias, solea, solea por bulerias, bulerias, tangos, sevillanas, farruca, and rumba. Any advice would be much appreciated, thank you :)
Of course, I will be devouring the content on dance that is available here on flamenco explained.