Guitar: 2018 Stephen Hill 2A Blanca (
Here's Kai Narezo with a technique workout for picado, arpeggio and alzapua in the Tangos compás. Kai plays a great new 2018 Stephen Hill 2A flamenco blanca.
Huge thanks to Jurgen Reisch for use of his beautiful studio space!
Up Next in Tangos Falseta Playlist
Tangos Explained - Guitar Solo - Perf...
This short Tangos solo features a lot of compás and three falsetas that cover arpeggio, alzapua and picado techniques. You can learn it as played or you can think of it as a template for dropping in new falsetas and compás variations as you learn them.
Tangos 1 - Guitar Solo - Tutorial
This short Tangos solo features a lot of compás and three falsetas that cover arpeggio, alzapua and picado techniques. You can learn it as played or you can think of it as a template for dropping in new falsetas and compás variations as you learn them.
Tangos Explained - Intro Arpeggio Fal...
This arpeggio falseta, which works great as an intro or anywhere in your Tangos, is relatively simple but has a few little technical challenges and some syncopation that make a bit less simple than it may seem.