Lesson 5 - Part 2 - Putting it Together
This lesson gets to the heart of how flamenco works, which should make much more sense now that you have all the material necessary to put together your first solo. As we discuss how to arrange your own solo, we’ll learn the essence of how the flamenco mind thinks. This will help you make sense of all of your future flamenco studies. In a very real sense, this is the missing link for most flamenco students - the lesson that will make you a real flamenco guitarist!
Chords and Voicings in Flamenco
Ever wonder why so many different chords in flamenco have the same name, or why we use so many versions of the same chord when accompanying Cante? In this video Kai breaks down the difference between a chord and a voicing and then shows you a ton of great voicings (chords) to use when playing Por...
Overview of Flamenco Palos (styles) -...
A really quick introduction to the basic flamenco forms, including Soleá, Soleá por Buleria, Buleria, Tientos, Tangos, Rumba, Alegrias, Seguirilla, Guajiras, Farruca, Colombiana, Taranto, Taranta and Fandango de Huelva. Not all of the Palos, but a good intro to some of the more common ones.
Survival Guide - Solea for accompanyi...
Survival Guide - All the sections of soleá for accompanying dance including: the letras, escobilla, falseta, compás, subida and "the flip" to Bulerias. TAB for this falseta for dance can be found in the TABS playlist.