Most Palos have a Macho - a different kind of letra that happens at the end that either speeds up (often morphing into another Palo) or changes key. The Macho por Soleá that we look at here does both, and it's a pretty common one. So while we've been singing a Soleá, this Macho speeds up into a Soleá Por Buleria groove and changes from E Phrygian to E Major. Watch as Kai and Juan break it down.
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Cante Explained - Solea - The Letra
In this video we get to the heart of accompanying por Soleá by looking at the letras. We break down the entire letra and also show you what to listen for so you can know what letra is coming and how to accompany it.
Cante Explained - Solea - The Salida
The Salida isn't technically a letra, but it's the first thing you'll have to play if you're accompanying a Soleá. In this video Kai and Juan discuss the Salida, show you some examples, and break it all down.
Sevillanas Structure - Tutorial
Sevillanas is the only Palo that in all of flamenco that has a fixed structure. In this video we break down how that structure works so you can better understand what all Sevillanas have in common, so that you'll always give dancers and singers exactly what they need.