In this lesson we break down basic Alzapua technique and use simple falsetas in Soleá and Tangos as studies to practice and perfect coordinating the two hands. Then we look at some of the more advanced ways that we coordinate the two hands to fly!
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Tangos 1 - Guitar Solo - Tutorial
This short Tangos solo features a lot of compás and three falsetas that cover arpeggio, alzapua and picado techniques. You can learn it as played or you can think of it as a template for dropping in new falsetas and compás variations as you learn them.
Tangos Explained - Guitar Solo - Perf...
This short Tangos solo features a lot of compás and three falsetas that cover arpeggio, alzapua and picado techniques. You can learn it as played or you can think of it as a template for dropping in new falsetas and compás variations as you learn them.
Tangos Explained - Compás - Tutorial
In this video we look at most important elements of Tangos - the basic compás and Llamadas/Cierres - and in particular we look at a variation of the two-finger rasgueado that is traditionally used to play the compás. This will form the foundation of everything you do in Tangos, so take your time ...