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The triplet rasgueado (abanico) isn't that hard to do, but you have to take it slowly! This lesson breaks it down so that if you have a bit of patience you'll be able to play fast, loud triplets consistently and with control.
Up Next in Improve My Rasgueado
Rasgueado Triplet Examples (Abanico) ...
This lesson shows you how to use your triplet rasgueados for llamadas in Tangos. This is a great way to both practice your rasgueados and solidify your Tangos compás.
Technique Bootcamp - Rasgueados Techn...
How to Practice Rasgueado
In this video we look at ways to improve your rasgueado so it’s more even-soudning and more relaxed. We look at ways to practice this and we show you couple of rasgueado patterns you can use to practice rasgueado Por Tangos and Por Soleá. We assume a basic command of rasgueados here, so if you’re...