Hi Kai. I can do golpes [ excepting the one struck downwards above the strings, where, in order to prevent shredding my fingers, I use the side of my thumb - it sounds not too bad... ] and I am fine with the basics [ eg Solea on 3 6, (possibly 7), 8, 10, 12 ], but even when studying a "simple" Solea like Sabicas's Bronce Gitano, he seems to have his own percussion party, and appears to arbitrarily hit on 1,2,4,5,9 too - in fact every beat joins in the fun at some point, apart from 11; and some compas patterns are weird, eg 1,4,8,9,11.
Clearly there's method in his madness, but what is it ?
Perhaps an idea for a module (ideally covering all the main palos).
chris wallace