Tabs can now be found here:
Hi Kai and Tarafina,
Thank you so much for the TABS, very helpful to me as a beginner.
The download link worked like a charm!
Hello Kai and Tarafina,
I am very glad to find out about this wonderful site!
Just one question though: Is the Flamencoexplained book also available in PDF-format, which I can download?
Best Regards,
Hi Norman, and good to meet you!
We don't currently have an electronic version of the book but that is definitely a project on our list, so we're going to try to get that going this year.
More TAB's! We love them!
Hey Kai,
How about a flamenco inspired version of El Matador by the Fab Cadillacs? Other 'pop' infused offerings could also be fun and help be a bridge to/from other styles.
Why i cannot see the tabs? Everything else works fine. I did see them earlier.
You should be able to find them all here:
If you can’t let us know and we’ll see what’s up.
Are there tabs to all of the Falseta friday pieces somewhere?
Janna Auslam
Hi Janna,
All of the Notation/TABs can be found here -
Just search the name of the falseta and you should be able to find them all.