Everything you need to play groovy, interesting Tangos compas without ever getting lost!
If you're new to Tangos we recommend our Tangos Explained Course, but you can also find the Tangos compás lessons from that course in this playist.

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  • Tientos Explained - Introduction

    Some context about Tientos - how it works, the different ways it can feel, and where it falls in the Tientos-Tangos-Rumba continuum.

  • Tangos Explained - Compás - Tutorial

    In this video we look at most important elements of Tangos - the basic compás and Llamadas/Cierres - and in particular we look at a variation of the two-finger rasgueado that is traditionally used to play the compás. This will form the foundation of everything you do in Tangos, so take your time ...

  • Tangos Explained - Compás 2 - Tutorial

    In this video we build upon the material covered in the Tangos Basic Compás video by adding rhythmic variations, chord progressions, and some more technically challenging bits. Some of this material might be beyond your current technical level, and that’s ok. While I strongly urge you to master a...

  • Tangos Explained - Palmas - Tutorial

    The Palmas are the underlying structure of any Palo, so the better you know them the better you’ll feel the compás. We can’t recommend strongly enough that you spend some time with the Palmas as you learn to play compás por Tangos. As you learn to feel the Palmas you will begin to feel more free ...

  • Tangos Explained - Putting It Together - Tutorial

    In this video we look at how to really play Tangos. We take the material we’ve learned and look at ways to flow from compás to falseta and back, and ways to learn the material so that you’re always in compás and can use any new material you may learn as well.

  • Rasgueado Triplet Examples (Abanico) - Tutorial

    This lesson shows you how to use your triplet rasgueados for llamadas in Tangos. This is a great way to both practice your rasgueados and solidify your Tangos compás.

  • Tangos Explained - Guitar Solo - Performance

    This short Tangos solo features a lot of compás and three falsetas that cover arpeggio, alzapua and picado techniques. You can learn it as played or you can think of it as a template for dropping in new falsetas and compás variations as you learn them.

  • Tangos 1 - Guitar Solo - Tutorial

    This short Tangos solo features a lot of compás and three falsetas that cover arpeggio, alzapua and picado techniques. You can learn it as played or you can think of it as a template for dropping in new falsetas and compás variations as you learn them.

  • How to Practice Rasgueado

    In this video we look at ways to improve your rasgueado so it’s more even-soudning and more relaxed. We look at ways to practice this and we show you couple of rasgueado patterns you can use to practice rasgueado Por Tangos and Por Soleá. We assume a basic command of rasgueados here, so if you’re...

  • Chords and Voicings in Flamenco

    Ever wonder why so many different chords in flamenco have the same name, or why we use so many versions of the same chord when accompanying Cante? In this video Kai breaks down the difference between a chord and a voicing and then shows you a ton of great voicings (chords) to use when playing Por...

  • Tangos Llamadas Page 28

    Tangos llamadas page 28 from the book Flamenco Explained: The Guitarist's Survival Guide.

  • Tangos Llamadas Page 29

    Tangos llamadas page 29 from the book Flamenco Explained: The Guitarist's Survival Guide.

  • Tangos Falseta More Advanced Pages 31 & 32

    Tangos falseta more advanced pages 31 & 32 from the book Flamenco Explained: The Guitarist's Survival Guide.

  • Tangos Falseta Alzapua Page 30

    Tangos falseta alzapua page 30 from the book Flamenco Explained: The Guitarist's Survival Guide.

  • Tangos Basic Compas Two-Measure Phrases Page 23

    Tangos basic compas two-measure phrases page 23 from the book Flamenco Explained: The Guitarist's Survival Guide.

  • Tangos Compas Two-Measure Phrases Pages 24 & 25

    Tangos basic compas two-measure phrases pages 24 & 25 from the book Flamenco Explained: The Guitarist's Survival Guide.

  • Tangos Compas Four-Measure Phrases Pages 26 & 27

    Tangos basic compas four-measure phrases pages 26 & 27 from the book Flamenco Explained: The Guitarist's Survival Guide.

  • Tangos Falseta Combining, Pages 33 & 34

    Tangos falseta combining, pages 33 & 34 from the book Flamenco Explained: The Guitarist's Survival Guide.

  • Llamada for Tangos - Glossary Term

    Introduction to the Llamada in Tangos.