Bulerias Explained - Level 2 - Thumb Falseta by Kai Narezo - PERFORMANCE
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This Bulerías falseta - which can also be thrown in as a “detalle” (literally a detail, this can be a short flourish or something less than a falseta that you throw in somewhere) - features a great thumb and index technique that’s unique to flamenco, as well as a different kind of 6-beat phrase.
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Bulerias Explained - Level 2 - Picado...
A picado falseta that is phrased in 8th notes, which each phrase starting on beat 12 and ending on beat 6.
Bulerias Explained - Level 1 - Arpegg...
A relatively simple falseta that is traditionally phrased with 8th notes starting on beat 12 and ending on beat 6, until the final longer phrase which starts on 12 and end on beat 6 of the next compás.
Bulerias Explained - Level 2 - Thumb ...
This Bulerías falseta starts on 11 and then goes on to a phrase that’s one and a half compáses long. The repeat features an extended ending with a very syncopated rhythm, and the falseta ends on 10.
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