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  • Overview of Flamenco Palos (styles) - Tutorial

    A really quick introduction to the basic flamenco forms, including Soleá, Soleá por Buleria, Buleria, Tientos, Tangos, Rumba, Alegrias, Seguirilla, Guajiras, Farruca, Colombiana, Taranto, Taranta and Fandango de Huelva. Not all of the Palos, but a good intro to some of the more common ones.

  • Introduction to Rasgueado - Tutorial

    In this lesson we look at Rasgueado technique in the context of Soleá and Tangos. We break down how to use your right hand to get power and precision while staying relaxed. This is an essential lesson for beginners or anyone who wants to improve this technique that is so central to flamenco guitar.

  • Tangos Explained - Compás - Tutorial

    In this video we look at most important elements of Tangos - the basic compás and Llamadas/Cierres - and in particular we look at a variation of the two-finger rasgueado that is traditionally used to play the compás. This will form the foundation of everything you do in Tangos, so take your time ...

  • Tangos Explained - Palmas - Tutorial

    The Palmas are the underlying structure of any Palo, so the better you know them the better you’ll feel the compás. We can’t recommend strongly enough that you spend some time with the Palmas as you learn to play compás por Tangos. As you learn to feel the Palmas you will begin to feel more free ...

  • Tangos Explained - Guitar Solo - Performance

    This short Tangos solo features a lot of compás and three falsetas that cover arpeggio, alzapua and picado techniques. You can learn it as played or you can think of it as a template for dropping in new falsetas and compás variations as you learn them.

  • Tangos 1 - Guitar Solo - Tutorial

    This short Tangos solo features a lot of compás and three falsetas that cover arpeggio, alzapua and picado techniques. You can learn it as played or you can think of it as a template for dropping in new falsetas and compás variations as you learn them.

  • Alegrias Compás - Tutorial

    In this lesson we break down the compás for Alegrias - a 12-beat compás that's faster than a Soleá but not as fast as a Buleria. All of the right-hand patterns here also apply perfectly to Soleá por Buleria.

  • Silencio (Alegrias) - Performance

    This is a great traditional Silencio - the slow lyrical section of the danced Alegrias. If you don't have a Silencio yet this is a great one to have, and it's a nice picado study, too.

  • Silencio (Alegrias) - Tutorial

    This is a great traditional Silencio - the slow lyrical section of the danced Alegrias. If you don't have a Silencio yet this is a great one to have, and it's a nice picado study, too.

  • Bulerias Compás - Tutorial

    Start here if you're ready to dive in to Bulerias. The better you train your right hand to stay in compás regardless of what the left hand is doing, the better and more reliable your compás will be.

  • Triplet Rasgueado (abanico) - Tutorial

    The triplet rasgueado (abanico) isn't that hard to do, but you have to take it slowly! This lesson breaks it down so that if you have a bit of patience you'll be able to play fast, loud triplets consistently and with control.

  • Rasgueado Triplet Examples (Abanico) - Tutorial

    This lesson shows you how to use your triplet rasgueados for llamadas in Tangos. This is a great way to both practice your rasgueados and solidify your Tangos compás.

  • Palmas - Bulerias

    This is what you've been working towards - palmas patterns for Bulerias. It's a lot like the other 12-count patterns, but a lot faster!

  • Palmas - Contratiempo

    In this lesson we look at how contratiempo works and how to practice playing the contra without getting lost!

  • Technique - Scales - Tutorial

    An introduction to rest-stroke scale technique (picado) as we use it in flamenco with some great exercises to make you faster, more accurate and more in control.

  • Introduction to Thumb Technique - Tutorial

    This is a really important lesson, since thumb technique is crucial to the sound of flamenco guitar. Here we look at how to use the thumb efficiently to get that loud, percussive flamenco sound when using the thumb.

  • Introduction to Golpe - Tutorial

    This lessons explains how and why we use golpe and gives you a few examples to practice. If you don't have a golpeador (tap plate) on your guitar this is the moment when you decide how committed you really are to this whole flamenco thing. Also, there may be blood...

  • Traditional Sevillanas - Performance

    These Sevillanas for solo guitar are great for learning Sevillanas, working on your technique and accompanying dance, too. Learn one at a time, and each one will be easier than the previous one as you get the hang of the structure.

  • Traditional Sevillanas - Tutorial

    These Sevillanas for solo guitar are great for learning Sevillanas, working on your technique and accompanying dance, too. Learn one at a time, and each one will be easier than the previous one as you get the hang of the structure.