5 Seasons
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23:22Episode 1
Buleria Foot Tapping
Episode 1
This is one of the ultimate Buleria Pro Tips - If you’ve ever wondered why flamenco players tap their feet in this way for Bulerias, or if you’ve just struggled to learn this, this video is for you! Kai explains why it’s so useful and shows you how to learn to keep yourself in compás simply by le...
05:10Episode 2
What is a Golpe - Beginner Pro Tip
Episode 2
The golpe is one of those quintessentially flamenco techniques - we hit the guitar with our nail or finger for a satisfying percussive thwack! In this video we take a quick look at the different kinds of golpes - when to use which and how they work.
13:24Episode 3
Which Guitar - Beginner Pro Tip
Episode 3
We get a lot of people asking what kind of guitar they should get to start playing flamenco. In this video we explain what makes a guitar a flamenco guitar, and what guitars are best for starting out your flamenco adventures!
07:11Episode 4
My Wrist Hurts - Beginner Pro Tip
Episode 4
If you’re starting to play the guitar and finding that the wrist of your left hand hurts, then his video is for you. Kai looks at some simple approaches to using your fretting hand in a way that causes as little strain as possible. So you can practice without pain!
03:53Episode 5
F Chord - Flamenco Guitar Pro Tip
Episode 5
Is that pesky flamenco F chord giving you a problem? Have trouble making chord changes? Learn how to deliberately grab that F chord with this handy Pro Tip which will have you getting that effing F chord a lot faster after practicing this.
04:03Episode 6
Refine Alzapua Technique - Pro Tip
Episode 6
Refine your alzapua technique by paying attention to these few important things. In this alzapua flamenco guitar lesson, Kai covers alzapua bulerias and alzapua tangos and kinds of alzapua technique within those palos.
How to fix your cejilla (peg capo) - Pro Tip
Episode 7
Peg capos are beautiful and wonderful to use, but sometimes they break! Get your G string out and fix that cejilla you've been just starring at! Kai's easy to follow pro tip shows you how to fix your peg capo.
01:58Episode 8
Rasgueado Practice - Pro Tip
Episode 8
Get a better sound from your rasgueados? Learn how to practice for a fuller sound with this Pro Tip.
23:54Episode 9
Counting and Subdividing - Tutorial
Episode 9
Warning - Even we think this video is boring to watch. But it’s about this one trick that will make you better at counting subdivisions, which will make you have better time, which will make you a better musician. Which is the whole point, right? So feel free to skip this one. Unless you want to ...
Bulerias How-To Trill - Flamenco Guitar Tutorial - by Kai Narezo
Episode 10
In this Flamenco Guitar tutorial by Kai Narezo, learn how to stay in compás while playing the trill in bulerias.
Bar Chords - Flamenco Guitar Tutorial by Kai Narezo
Episode 11
In this flamenco guitar lesson Kai Narezo discusses how to make bar chords without stressing out your left hand. If you’re new to bar chords or if you’ve ever had any tension or pain from playing bar chords you’ll want to check this out.
Pro-Tip: Left-Hand Stretches for Flamenco Guitar by Kai Narezo
Episode 12
This Pro-Tip video takes a look at two of the most annoying left-hand stretches that come up in flamenco guitar. They’re used mainly when playing Por Medio (in the key of A Phrygian), though you’ll also find them in other keys. It’s all about knowing how to approach them, so that’s what we look a...
Groovy Clave Flamenco Golpe Tutorial by Kai Narezo
Episode 13
Here’s a funky contratiempo thing with a Clave-like golpe technique we do for flamenco guitar that can be used in a surprising amount of places. It takes a little getting used to, but once you have it down you can use it in Farruca, Tangos, Bulerias and anywheres else you find a way to fit it in.
Beginner’s Guide to Recording Flamenco and Classical Guitar
Episode 14
Do you want to learn how to record yourself playing guitar? Having recorded more than 1500 guitar videos, I thought I’d share some of the stuff I’ve learned over the years about how to record nylon string guitars. The first section deals with what to think about when recording in mono (one microp...
Flamenco Guitar Setup Featuring Luthier Stephen Hill
Episode 15
We hang out with luthier Stephen Hill as he tells us everything you’d want to know about setting up a flamenco guitar. In addition to the basics, like how high the action should be at the 12th fret (and how luthiers actually achieve this), Stephen covers things most of us didn’t know were also im...
How-To Talk Keys and Transpose For Flamenco Accompaniment - Part 2 - TUTORIAL
Episode 16
Key Names, Chord Shapes and Capos - How to Talk About Keys and Transpose For Flamenco Accompaniment - In Part 2 of this video we look at how we can use the capo in flamenco to stay in the same key (in absolute terms), while changing the sound of the guitar by playing with different chord shapes. ...
How-to Talk Keys and Transpose For Flamenco Accompaniment - Part 1- TUTORIAL
Episode 17
Key Names, Chord Shapes & Capos! In Part 1 of this video Kai demonstrates how to talk about keys and transpose for Flamenco Accompaniment - a simple but confusing concept. This includes what to name things once you start using a capo. We use capos all the time in flamenco, especially when accompa...
13:24Episode 18
Pro-Tip for Beginners - Which Guitar?
Episode 18
We get a lot of people asking what kind of guitar they should get to start playing flamenco. In this video we explain what makes a guitar a flamenco guitar, and what guitars are best for starting out your flamenco adventures!
Bulerias Explained - Level 1 - Palmas Patterns - TUTORIAL
Episode 19
Before we pick up the guitar, we get the basic palmas patterns down to better understand the compás
06:16Episode 20
Seguirillas Explained - Palmas - TUTORIAL
Episode 20
The hardest part of doing palmas for Seguirillas is really understanding the Seguirillas compás, so here we look at both.
15:33Episode 21
Where Does The Capo Go? TUTORIAL
Episode 21
How do you know where to put the capo when you’re listening to something new? Here’s how! In this video we look at figuring out where to put the capo when you’re learning a new flamenco piece. First you have to figure out what key you’re in, then you have to figure out what that means for actuall...
11:18Episode 22
Intro To Tangos Por Arriba
Episode 22
39:32Episode 23
How To Feel Compás Part 1 - TUTORIAL
Episode 23
This tutorial is for players who understand how the compás of Soleá works, but are having a hard time actually feeling it and getting it in their bones. First we look at how to hear the compás when working with compás apps or loops, then we look at games and exercises to get you really feel how t...
11:48Episode 24
COMPÁS BITS - Por Bulería - 1 - TUTORIAL
Episode 24
Interesting compás variations are one of those things that make you sound like a seasoned flamenco guitarist. In this video we look at a few variations, or Compás Bits, for your Bulerías Compás. These five are relatively simple, so learn them all and pay particular attention to where they start. ...