00:52Episode 1
Solea Basic Compas Page 3
Episode 1
Solea Basic Compas page 3 from the book Flamenco Explained: The Guitarist's Survival Guide.
00:34Episode 2
Solea Basic Compas Beats 1-6 Page 4
Episode 2
Solea Basic Compas beats 1-6 page 4 from the book Flamenco Explained: The Guitarist's Survival Guide.
00:33Episode 3
Solea Basic Compas Beats 7-12 Page 5
Episode 3
Solea Basic Compas beats 7-12 page 5 from the book Flamenco Explained: The Guitarist's Survival Guide.
01:34Episode 4
Solea Complete Compases Page 6
Episode 4
Solea complete compases page 6 from the book Flamenco Explained: The Guitarist's Survival Guide.
01:14Episode 5
Solea Simple Phrases Page 8
Episode 5
Solea simple phrases page 8 from the book Flamenco Explained: The Guitarist's Survival Guide.
Solea Escobilla Phrase Variations Page 9
Episode 6
Solea escobilla phrase variations page 9 from the book Flamenco Explained: The Guitarist's Survival Guide.
Solea Escobilla Two-Compas Phrases Page 10
Episode 7
Solea escobilla two-compas phrases page 10 from the book Flamenco Explained: The Guitarist's Survival Guide.
Solea Escobilla Two-Compas Phrases Page 11
Episode 8
Solea escobilla two-compas phrases page 11 from the book Flamenco Explained: The Guitarist's Survival Guide.
00:35Episode 9
Solea Falseta As Introduction Page 13
Episode 9
Solea falseta as introduction page 13 from the book Flamenco Explained: The Guitarist's Survival Guide.
00:32Episode 10
Solea Falseta As Introduction Page 14
Episode 10
Solea falseta as introduction page 14 from the book Flamenco Explained: The Guitarist's Survival Guide.
00:26Episode 11
Solea Falseta Focusing On The Thumb Page 15
Episode 11
Solea falseta focusing on the thumb page 15 from the book Flamenco Explained: The Guitarist's Survival Guide.
00:26Episode 12
Solea Falseta Focusing On The Thumb Page 16
Episode 12
Solea falseta focusing on the thumb page 16 from the book Flamenco Explained: The Guitarist's Survival Guide.
Solea Falseta Arpeggio Thumb & Index Pages 17 & 18
Episode 13
Solea falseta arpeggio with thumb and index pages 17 & 18 from the book Flamenco Explained: The Guitarist's Survival Guide.
Solea Falseta Arpeggio Picado Alt. Pages 19 & 20
Episode 14
Solea falseta arpeggio-picado alternation pages 19 & 20 from the book Flamenco Explained: The Guitarist's Survival Guide.
00:30Episode 15
Solea Escobilla For Baile Page 118
Episode 15
Solea escobilla for baile page 118 from the book Flamenco Explained: The Guitarist's Survival Guide.
00:26Episode 16
Solea "The Flip" Pages 119 & 120
Episode 16
Solea "the flip" pages 119 & 120 from the book Flamenco Explained: The Guitarist's Survival Guide.
00:21Episode 17
Solea The Subida To Bulerias Page 119
Episode 17
Solea the subida to bulerias page 119 from the book Flamenco Explained: The Guitarist's Survival Guide.