Here’s a nice variation on the traditional SIlencio section of the Alegrias. The Silencio is a slower section in the danced Alegrias that is played in the parallel minor key. It is traditionally six compases long and is phrased similarly to the Escobilla (but slow and in minor). This particular Silencio is one I wrote that is a bit of an update to the traditional Silencio (which you should also learn if you haven’t already). It’s not terribly technical, so it’s a nice addition to your repertoire, especially if you accompany dance. Big thanks to GSI for lending this fantastic guitar - a Conde negra that is basically the guitar that Paco played and made so famous. It doesn’t get more iconic than this!
Solea Por Buleria and Alegrias - Recy...
If you've been playing for a little while you may already have lots of material that you can 'recycle' by transposing to other keys. This tutorial shows you how to think about this so you can use your material in different keys and even different modes (i.e. Por Medio to Por Arriba or even from P...
Llamada for Alegrias - Glossary Term
Introduction to the Llamada in Alegrias.
Overview of Flamenco Palos (styles) -...
A really quick introduction to the basic flamenco forms, including Soleá, Soleá por Buleria, Buleria, Tientos, Tangos, Rumba, Alegrias, Seguirilla, Guajiras, Farruca, Colombiana, Taranto, Taranta and Fandango de Huelva. Not all of the Palos, but a good intro to some of the more common ones.